Sunday, August 5, 2007


change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains of dawn
it comes like the stealthy perfume of wild flowers hidden in the grass
- john steinbeck

today i was talking with my friend mark about change and the tension and anxiety that comes before you know a big change is about to occur.
and how i've learnt that when i feel this tension within me to expect a change in the future, before even knowing what it may be about.
mark said its funny how as we grow older we learn about ourselves and almost get to know ourselves better, that you know why you feel a certain way or what is causing certain emotions.
i'm ready for the change that is ahead of me.
i'm ready to flip over and rearrange and shift pieces in my life. to take who i have become and build on to parts and drop others. to grow into someone more resembling myself, at the core.
i once read someone write "it has been a year of losses, but i like who i have become".

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